Leaving a Legacy

Don’t leave them everything,
leave them what you love

Every item has a history

Permanent organization will make your life run more smoothly

Non-judgmental and constructive help – did this when my husband, my mom, a dear friend passed. 

“Do not ever imagine that anyone will wish – or be able – to schedule time off to take care of what you didn’t take care of yourself.  No matter how much they love you, don’t leave this burden to them”  Page 7 GAOSDC

3 P’s to Legacy Cleaning

  • Purging – the hardest part is deciding what to keep, what to pass on and what to just let go. I know how hard purging is – to pull out a box and spend an hour going through it before getting emotional and putting it back on the shelf. Traveling down memory lane with a respectful companion can make it a much less stressful journey.
    • Purging is not just about throwing items out or dropping them off at the local charity organization. There are many memories associated with your belongings and you want to feel like someone will respect/appreciate/enjoy your things and that they won’t just be tossed in a box. The DD has an extensive network of charitable organizations that will truly appreciate your items (clothing, luggage, small appliances, furniture, etc…) and use them to help make improve the quality of life for someone else.
    • With 15+ years’ experience in the financial industry, we can confidentially help you sort through, organize and safely shred obsolete financial and personal documents. We have the ability to save them into electronic files and help you set them up for ease and security.
  • Preservation – leaving the history of the item, not just the item. We can help you document your story so your loved ones will have not just your treasures but the/your history as well.
    • The story that goes with the item has a huge part of what makes is special. Most companies do not focus on this part of the process. When I lost my husband, I lost the history of some of his most treasured items. That is what I wanted to pass on to my boys – not just the high school lettan jacket but the stories of the wins and losses and pride that went with it. With the assistance of family and friends, I was able to capture his story and preserve it for them. Now that have his beloved items and why they mattered to him.
  • Peace – The calm that comes with Legacy cleaning is a gift for both you and your loved ones. Planning for your future and having control over your possessions/desires allows you to breathe easier and enjoy your time and special things and not worry about what happens to them.
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